Dollar Collapse–36 Cities Abandon Dollar: Cops Refusing To Be Paid In US Dollars (video)

Recently, famed billionaire Warren Buffett warned we should “fear paper money.”

And with the U.S. dollar losing 38.5% of its value since 2002, Buffett’s concerns are unfortunately justified.

However, he probably couldn’t have imagined a secret currency crisis that’s developing very quickly across America now.

36 cities in 20 states have taken aggressive measures to abandon the U.S. dollar.

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And more are planning to do so in the near future.

In an exclusive interview with Money Morning, Silicon Valley veteran and Fox Business analyst, Michael Robinson investigated this startling trend.

“These cities and towns are essentially telling people they no longer want them to pay their water and heating bills, or parking tickets, really anything with U.S. dollars anymore,” Robinson said.

However, it’s not just the cities taking steps to protect themselves from the rapid decline of the once mighty dollar.

It’s the citizens themselves.

“Look at Vicco, Kentucky. Everything escalated here so fast, police are refusing to be paid their salaries in U.S. dollars.” Robinson revealed.









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