Pope Francis: Third Secret of Fatima: Prophecy of a Pole Shift

Pope Francis has invoked World War III, saying that it has begun in a piecemeal fashion. The Third Secret of Fatima could provide Christians a framework for considering this terrifying new development.

Pope Francis referred to them as a “piecemeal World War III.” In essence, the Holy Father is explaining that World War III has begun, at least in a piecemeal fashion. The level of violence around the world is rising rapidly, fueled chiefly by militant Islamists.

The Third Secret of Fatima could provide some direction at a moment of crisis such as this. In the Third Secret, Sister Lucia wrote:

The Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.

This obviously sounds like the Pope. Could it be Pope Francis?

Is the Church preparing us for the end? Our Lady calls us to penance.

The Third Secret could pertain to any pope and any city, especially today. It could have been intended for Pope John Paul II, or it could be for a future pontiff, after Pope Francis. It could hardly be a prophecy at all for that matter. However, it does make clear that the way of the faith includes strife, and that brings blood and death, from which life begins again.

Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.


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More importantly, the Third Secret has the answer to our present problems, and indeed, our problems in every age. the Angel cried out in a loud voice: “Penance, Penance, Penance!”

A new Cold War has erupted between the United States and Russia. There’s been a sharp increase in military activity, at least in the United States, giving people the impression we’re preparing for something big. Our news reports are now dominated by wars and rumors of wars, mostly centered on the Middle East, but conflicts are also reported in Africa and across Asia. Even China and the United States had some unusually tense moments recently.

In 2017, the conservative estimate of the number of Christian martyrs for the year clocks in somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 souls. That’s almost two dozen people per day who die for their faith, or about 1 per hour.

There can be no question that the world is at war. It may be different from all previous wars, for each war is unique thanks to the abuse of new technology, but the casualties are there. And few populations are suffering like Christians. Is this a sign of the end?

It doesn’t matter. Penance, Penance, Penance! This should be our chief occupation, so that whatever terrible judgment we have brought upon ourselves might be stayed. Our Lady has always had one message for the world, and that is the conversion of hearts. Only through the conversion of hearts can the world be saved. Our best action is to ensure that our own hearts are converted, and trusting in the Third Secret, it begins with penance.

In 1917, the most credible and well-documented visions of the Virgin Mary were received by three young cousins in Fatima, Portugal. Several times that year, always on the thirteenth day of the month, the children experienced trance-like visions in which they claimed the Holy Mother spoke to them. On July 13, 1917, the three cousins were given three secrets – three prophecies about horrible things to come.

The first two secrets describe aspects of hell, WWI and WWII, and the importance of Russia as a Christian nation. The Third Secret of Fatima may involve a pole shift and an apocalyptic third world war, but we don’t know for certain – because the Vatican refuses to satisfy our curiosity and discuss the details of the Third Secret openly.

By late 1943, two of the children had already died, and Lucia was sick. The Bishop of Leira ordered her to write down the Third Secret, which the Virgin Mary had told her not to reveal. Lucia justified doing so because Catholics are taught that orders from the Church are meant to be viewed as orders from God. Lucia wrote down the Third Secret, with instructions that it should be revealed in 1960, because more would be understood then. But in 1960 Vatican officials wrote in a press release that the information was so horrible that it was “most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.”(The Whole Truth About Fatima, Volume III. Buffalo, New York 1990. pp. 578–579.) Cardinal Ottaviani related that Pope John XXIII placed the Secret “in one of those archives which are like a very deep, dark well, to the bottom of which papers fall and no one is able to see them anymore.”
Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict) was always tight lipped about the Fatima prophecies, and Pope John Paul II placed him in charge of them. Ratzinger commented in 1984 that “the prophecies contained in this Third Secret correspond to what Scripture announces.” But which scripture – Revelation? In the year 2000, the Vatican succumbed to pressure and released… something. They claimed the third secret was about the 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.

Few believed that the first secrets were on big subjects like hell, world wars, and the spread of communism – but that a mere failed assassination was the horrible secret that couldn’t be revealed for so long. Bishop Joao Venancio says he saw Lucia’s original paper, handwritten with about 25 lines on one page with small margins – and that what the Vatican released in 2000 was 62 lines on four pages with no margins – not the authentic document.

We also have interesting comments from Pope John Paul II, who commented on the Third Secret while speaking in Fulda, Germany: “It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.” (originally from the October 1981 issue of Stimme des Glaubens.) Since I assume there is a pole shift coming soon, I am willing to assume the pope knew what he was talking about, and that the third secret refers to horrific events at theend of the world.

I assume that the official explanation given on May 13, 2000 is a deception. On March 13, 2013, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, became the first pope from the Americas. The Patriarch of Lisbon, Cardinal José Policarpo, soon announced that Pope Francis twice asked him to consecrate his papacy to Our Lady of Fatima, and this was done on May 13, 2013 – on the 96th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children.

Pope Francis obviously takes the secrets of Fatima seriously, and publically acknowledges this by having his papacy consecrated this way. It implies that the events of the third secret are not over. Fatima author Father Malachi Martin has said that “the Third Secret is your worst nightmare, multiplied exponentially.” (http://www.newsprepper.com/end-happening-now-warning-september-2016-new-world-order-almost-complete-ww3-depopulation-coming/#.V-ENx4iLTct )In an interview with Art Bell in 1997, he explained that “I was shown the Text of the third secret in February 1960.

I cooled my heels in the corridor outside the Holy Father’s apartments, while my Boss, Cardinal Bea, was inside debating with the Holy Father (Pope John XXIII), and with a other group of other bishops and priests, and two young Portuguese seminarians, who translated the letter, a single page, written in Portuguese….. on the content of the Third Secret, Sister Lucy one day replied: ‘It’s in the Gospel, and in the Apocalypse, read them.’ We even know that one day Lucy indicated Chapters 8, 13 of the Apocalypse.

Father Martin said of the fulfillment of the Third Secret that these events are “not 200 years away, it is not 50 years away, it is not 20 years away…” He expressed the view that major portions of end times events would be underway before the centennial of the Marian apparitions (before May 13, 2019.) Lucia apparently mentioned Revelation chapter 8 in her letter; a chapter that opens the seventh seal. The sixth seal, which sounds like a pole shift, had just been opened in Revelation 6:12-14 “I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind.

The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” The seventh seal in Revelation 8:1-9 describes the sun’s reaction to the likely cause of it temporarily being black like sackcloth – an incoming cosmic dust cloud that eventually provokes massive flaring, as when sawdust is sprinkled on a fire: “When the Lamb broke the seventh seal… Another angel came and stood at the altar, [the angel at the altar of fire could be Jupiter at the edge of the sun, on Judgment Day, as I described at length in my last book] holding a golden censer; and much incense was given to him… And the smoke of the incense… went up before God out of the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it to the earth; and there followed peals of thunder and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake. And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound them.

The first sounded, and there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.”

This sounds like a massive solar flare or CME (coronal mass ejection) hits the earth when the sun flares up in response to incoming dust and “the light of the sun will be seven times brighter.” (Isaiah 30:26) Lucia also mentioned that the Third Secret of Fatima involves Revelation chapter 13, which describes the Antichrist and ends with “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.” If Malachi Martin was right that some of these events would be underway before 2019 – that fits my conclusion that the Antichrist will be revealed at the mid-point of the final seven years and start an apocalyptic war in June 2019, three and a half years before the end of the tribulation in December 2020. Although the great apostasy and dangers to the faith have been discussed by Vatican officials in regard to the Fatima secrets, no one has commented specifically on the Antichrist in relation to the Third Secret.

But Pope John Paul II did talk about massive flooding and pole shift type events killing many people. I believe the next North Pole will be in Siberia, northwest of Lake Baikal, near the borders of Russia, China, and Mongolia. There is a large magnetic anomaly there. The famous Tunguska blast event of 1908 occurred there. The Magnetic North Pole is already moving in that direction. And one of the main founders of the pole shift theory, Professor Charles Hapgood (author of books like Path of the Pole and Earth’s Shifting Crust) also felt this was the likely location of our next North Pole. If that is correct, and if that will happen soon – what will that do to the people of Russia and China?

Most of their nations would become uninhabitable, arctic wasteland. We may already think of Siberia that way, but imagine it even closer to the North Pole. Let’s now look in context at what Pope John Paul II said right before commenting on huge floods killing millions: “Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth…”

Pope John Paul II suggested that World Communism – the major powers of which are Russia and China – would make some hostile moves if they knew the secret. Father Malachi Martin agreed and wrote in his book The Keys of This Blood: “were the leaders of the Leninist Party-State to know these words, they would in all probability decide to undertake certain territorial and militaristic moves against which the West could have few if any means of resisting.” I think they would decide to conquer new lands farther from the upcoming new North Pole to provide suitable new homelands for their populations. Central Europe, South Asia, and the Middle East would probably be invaded by Russia and China.

This may be one reason the Russians are preparing to invade Europe. Perhaps in Revelation 9:16 when an army of two hundred million comes to the Euphrates from the east – it is because the imminent pole shift has become obvious and the people of China and Russia are fleeing. If so we can expect huge wars in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East soon.

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  1. john Ashcraft

    Psalms 118=2018 and has 3 events: Rapture, Armageddon, and the millennium in verses 5, 10-13, and 15.
    Psalms 119 =2019 and the Law in the millennium.

    1. cf

      Biblical illiterate….

      1. John Ashcraft

        April 2019 Astronomical Calendar

        April 1. The Moon at perihelion/apogee. Conjunction of the Moon and Venus.
        April 2. Close approach of the Moon and Venus (2.7 degrees N of Moon). Conjunction of Mercury and Neptune. Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury (3.6 degrees N of Moon).
        April 3. 4th Day of the Week.

        What I see for them is not yet, What I behold will not be soon: A star rises from Yaakov, A scepter comes forth from Yisrael; It smashes the brow of Moab, The foundation of all children of Shet. Numbers 24:17

        The Zohar, the basis of Jewish esoteric learning, describes the Star of Jacob in great detail.
        “After forty days, when the pillar rises from earth to heaven in the eyes of the whole world and the Messiah has appeared, a star will rise up on the east, blazing in all colors, and seven other stars will surround that star. And they will wage war on it.” ( JA Note: Hint: War of Armageddon)

        “It will be catastrophic but it will not destroy the world. It will pass between the earth and the Sun. Its proximity to the earth will cause massive events; the tides will change, electromagnetic pulses will shut down electrical systems, volcanoes, and earthquakes. It will block out the sun.”

        According to one source, it will PASSOVER the earth at Passover. That could be on the Rabbinic Calendar or the Biblical Calendar. God/Elohim goes by the Biblical Calendar in the Spring from the first sliver of the New Moon in April after March 20/22 Spring Equinox. So this will place the rapture in the month of Biblical Adar/Aviv for 2019 is a leap year beginning on February 29th.

        Psalms 83 War ends. Syrian war ends. All wars in Israel ends and the Ezekiel 38-39 War Begins. 5 End Times wars. Isaiah 17 War. Jeremiah 49 War. Psalm 83 War. Damascus War. Euphrates River War. Ends on the Day of Trumpet New Moon Rapture.

      2. John Ashcraft

        April 5 New Moon. The Moon will located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 08:51 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere. Asteroid 7 Iris at opposition. Ezekiel Wheel within a wheel watch.

        April 6. Sabbath. Asteroid 2 Pallas at opposition. First sliver of the New Moon (Matt 24:31=Lk 24:44=Psalms 118:5=Ps 81:3). Internet goes down. Banks close of Friday and then opens a week later and all of your cash, savings, and retirement money is gone (Ezekiel 7). Hopi Blue Star (Helion) shows up 1-2 days prior to the rapture party of 400 million and all the children under the age of knowing right from wrong (Deut 1) or on a future first sliver of the New Moon. 3 hours of water standing still on the surface of the globe. Along with this is the Axial poleshift, earthquake of 3.0-15.0 depending upon where you live, 3 days of darkness (72 hours) at the beginning of the earthquake followed by fire balls and 100 pound hail storms and the rest of the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments of Revelation between the New Moon (Matt 24:31; Lk 24:44; Psalms 118:5; Psalms 81:3) and ten days later (Psalms 118:10-13; Ps 18:4-6; Rev 16/19) with the marriage of the Groom and bride and Armageddon. Then 5 days of grace and then the Millennium beginning on the Full moon (Psalms 81:3; Prov 7:20) and a 30 year mini ice age (deep freeze).

      3. John Ashcraft

        April 15. Mars 6.4 degrees N of Aldebaran. Regulus 2.7 degrees S of Moon. Armageddon

        Vision of the New Temple
        Eze 40:1 In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thither.
        Beginning of the year is after the Spring Equinox (March 20/22) on the New Moon. Tenth day of the month is marriage of the Groom and Bride and Armageddon.
        The Passover
        Exo 12:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
        Exo 12:2 This month (Aviv) shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

        You have been forewarned. You have two choices. Ignore it and burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity or believe it and get your life right with Yeshuah and Elohim before the day of your death this year of 5778. So you either REPENT, STOP SINNING, and get on your knees and accept Yeshua into your life or burn. It is your choice.

  2. John Ashcraft

    cf Satanic literate. Satan comes to deceive, steal, kill, and destroy. 95 percent to 98 percent of humanity is into two groups right now. The 1-2 percent knows what my reference means. The 98 percent do not. Which one are you in?
    By the way, that 98 percent of humanity will follow Satan to the lake of fire an brimstone for eternity. So which group are you in?


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