
Countdown to a Nuclear Attack on U.S. Cities

James Strait is the author of "World War III – Not How You Imagined It." From ISIS to Islamic Jihad, to a rogue financing government like Iran or North Korea — the threat is real and growing. We asked James…
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Indiana Jones and the Secret of Survival

Raiders of the Lost Ark and Other Indiana Jones Movies Reveal A Highly Effective Method of Survival – If You're Paying Attention Years have past since the first Indiana Jones movie in 1981. There's a lot we can learn about…
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7 Tips to Keep You Alive and Found in the Wilderness

Spend enough time with Mother Nature and you’ll likely experience emergencies.Things went right this trip.Even the most innocent outings are potential survival situations. That fishing trip can turn nasty for all the wrong reasons. Your day hike may find you…
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Is An Ebola Epidemic Inevitable In America?

What Can Citizens Do To Protect Themselves? With each successive day since the man (Thomas Eric Duncan) who flew from Liberia to Texas was diagnosed with the first case of the Ebola virus in the U.S., more and more unsettling facts…
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When Nature Predicts, Learn to Read the Signs

One of the basics of survival is knowing and being prepared for upcoming weather events. Depending on what area of the country or world you live in, weather can create an event that is life-changing. Tornadoes, hurricanes and blizzards can…
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