2 Critical Events Are Going To Happen After The Imminent Economic Collapse – GLOBAL ELITES PLANNING FOR MAJOR EVENT!!

After experimenting for hundreds of years with different forms of social organization, the elite have concluded that collectivism is the best form of social control.


The elite have long viewed a rising population as a threat to their dominance. They realized that eventually a large number of people will inevitably overthrow and remove them from power. They are particularly concerned with the middle class whose intelligence and capacity to organize makes them the biggest threat. Consequently, the elite plan to destroy the middle class and make all the of public equally poor and thus incapable of rebelling. As written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6+ billion people must die over the coming century.

Multi-generational Planning

The evolution of society is not something the elite can leave to chance since society could evolve in thousands of different and unpredictable ways. If they were ever to allow this they might lose their control and dominance over us. In order to continue their position as the dominant minority, they plan decades and even centuries in advance.

Revelation of the Method

The elite’s do tell us through their books and publications, movies and news releases what they are doing – this is called Revelation of the Method. If you are too stupid to recognize it for what it is that is your problem from their point of view. It is a form of ritual mocking of the victim.

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” 

– “The First Global Revolution”, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider 1991.

Have you ever thought something is wrong? Have you ever thought you were being lied to by your politicians, government, teachers? Have you ever thought you were being manipulated by the television? Have you ever wondered about how the world really works? Have you ever caught the media in a lie? Do you want to know how money really works? Have you ever wondered what the elite of this world believe and where they are taking us? Here you will have an opportunity to at least get a first glimpse at the true nature of the world and how we have been misled and deceived at every level. This site is not the end all and be all but it’s a start.

The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth’s inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this “New World Order”. Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries – kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.

In the modern manifestation these people can be seen as kings and queens, international bankers, the military industrial complex and their servants – the corporate CEOs, scientists, professors, lawyers, heads of NGO’s, politicians, and media leaders – all of whom the elite control partially or completely. Sad but true – you can buy or brainwash most national bankers, soldiers, beaurocrats, CEOs, scientists, lawyers, NGOs, politicians and journalists to say what you want them to say.

If you allow their plans to proceed, you will see how under the guise of keeping us all safe with anti-terrorist laws, the globalists will see all citizens gradually and incrementally lose their civil liberties preventing any dissent against either the government or the ruling elite who give the government their orders. The purpose of this website is to first provide a concise base of knowledge explaining the historical origins and mechanisms of the “one-world government” plan, and second, to provide avenues of resistance and methodologies for survival within the Chaos purposely imposed within this plot to enslave all of humanity.

Will the economic collapse happen in 2023? Where will it start? What impact will it have, and how will the world look after the global economic collapse and the Next Great Recession?

Regarding how it will play out, Cezary Graf notes that Federal Reserve policy will lead to financial collapse and major stock market crash around the world. The economic collapse has already started. The Turkish lira is plunging, the Argentinian central bank has increased interest rates to the cosmic level of 60%, and Iranian inflation is skyrocketing.
However, these are minor players. The crucial years will be 2022 and 2024 when the deadly cocktail will be served for India, Pakistan, China, Japan, and the European Union, among others. In 2023, the United States and the dollar will also be hit; however, the magnitude will be significantly limited, in contrast to what many are currently saying about the upcoming dollar collapse.

In 2023, after the next global financial crisis and stock market crash the United States will be in the best shape of all major countries. I am ready to take bets.
It is very naive to expect that after the 2000 dot-com bubble burst and 2008-2009 stock market crash, that the third one will again start in the US.
From a conservative point of view, the US currency and bond supply are perhaps still too high, and rates may still be too low, however, despite its peculiarity, the dollar and US debt are the most popular US exports.

During the next two years, when economic collapse will hit the emerging markets, we will have massive capital flows into the US. This will include the dollar itself, the US bond market, the US stock market, and US real estate. A massive chunk of the capital pulled out of emerging markets will be channeled to the most robust cryptocurrencies. The devaluation of EM currencies, the dismantling of the SWIFT system, and the pursuit of new investment solutions by private, corporate, and public parties will be the main causes of this great money movement.

Cezary Graf states that the value of cryptocurrencies will rise substantially from 2019, thus making potential returns from other capital allocations much less attractive. Ignoring this is the manifestation of a deep misunderstanding of where the world is now and where it is going.

If a U.S. economic collapse occurs, it will happen quickly. No one would predict it. That’s because the signs of imminent failure are difficult to see.

How to Prepare for a Collapse

Protecting yourself from a U.S. economic collapse is difficult. A catastrophic failure can happen without warning. In most crises, people survive through their knowledge, wits, and by helping each other. Make sure you understand basic economic concepts so you can see warning signs of instability. One of the first signs is a stock market crash. If it’s bad enough, a market crash can cause a recession.

Second, keep as many assets as liquid as possible so that you can withdraw them within a week. In addition to your regular job, make sure you have skills that you’d need in a traditional economy, such as farming, cooking, or repair.

Keep yourself in top physical shape. Know basic survival skills, such as self-defense, foraging, hunting, and starting a fire. Practice now with camping trips. If you can, move near a wildlife preserve in a temperate climate. That way, if a collapse occurs, you can live off the land in a relatively unpopulated area.

As for cash, it may not be useful in a total economic collapse because its value might be decimated. Stockpiles of gold bullion may not help because they would be difficult to transport if you needed to move quickly. In a severe collapse, they may not be accepted as currency. But it would be good to have a stash of $20 bills and gold coins, just in case. During many crisis situations, these are commonly accepted as bribes.

One very important aspect of world control is exactly how does one go about controlling and dominating a society, or for that matter the world as a whole. Anthony Sutton spelled it out quite well in his book “America’s Secret Establishment”. He exposed the fact that the global elite came to the correct conclusion that to control and manipulate a society for their benefit they need to control only a certain finite aspects of society. These are:

  • Education (how the population of the future will behave)
  • Money (the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods)
  • Law (the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state)
  • Politics (the direction of the State and Economy)
  • History (what people believed happened in the past)
  • Psychology (the means of controlling how people think)
  • Philanthropy (so that people think well of the controllers)
  • Medicine (the power over health, life and death)
  • Religion (people’s spiritual beliefs)
  • Media (what people know and learn about current events)
  • Continuity (the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps)

What this amounts to is nothing less than infiltrating and controlling the power centers of a society. By placing their own people in key positions they could come to control and dominate a society completely and steer it in any direction they choose.

His observations are well made and reflected, and expanded upon slightly, in the categories on this site. Take a minute an think about it – what would you do if you wanted to gain control of an entire society?


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