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How to Save Yourself If You Choke Alone

  By Heather Callaghan Have you ever heard or spoken the tired line of "single-dom" – but if I don't get married, I might choke alone and die and no one will ever find me in my apartment until weeks…
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12 Dates Which Led to the Destruction of America

By Dave Hodges   Some present the term “doom and gloom” as if it is a recent phenomenon made up by a cottage industry of conspiracy theorists to profit from rallying the American people to fight against some imaginary enemy…
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Watch Out It Is Coming

  By Bob Rinear Why is the Fed tapering when virtually everyone with a functioning brain cell knows the economy is just barely limping by? Why is the Fed saying they’ll need to see poor data to end tapering, when…
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Bank Of America Admits Dollar’s In Trouble

This breaking story from Secrets of the Fed shows that even top banking executives are now coming to admit that the US dollar is in deep trouble. The recent video below from the X22Report shares that Americans are rapidly losing…
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