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Make Your Own Hobo Stove From Scrap

A hobo stove is a style of improvised heat-producing and cooking device used in survival situations, by backpackers, hobos, tramps and homeless people. Hobo stoves can be functional to boil water for purification purposes during a power outage and in…
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Top 5 Animals to Trap in America

Trapping is an important part of self-reliance because it gives you the ability to procure food more easily than hunting or foraging. One of the biggest advantages is that you only need to check your traps once or twice a…
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Building on Basics for Survival Preparedness

By Ken Jorgustin The following may be considered basic foundation categories for preparedness. The entire process of prepping begins here, with the right basic ingredients to survive and stay alive. Each of these are relatively inexpensive to purchase for storage,…
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Converting A Microwave Oven Into An EMP Resistant Enclosure

Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP as it is more commonly called, is a natural or manmade event causing over voltage conditions due to high power microwave electromagnetic radiation exposure in electrical and electronic equipment. This over voltage most commonly burns open…
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Home Protection: Fire Safety

By Thomas Bryant Protecting and defending your home has much more to do with your family than your possessions. The lives inside your home are the most precious gifts you have. So, how do you protect them from the most…
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Tips To Safely Fill Gas Cans

By theweekendprepper Gas is a vital part of our daily lives. It runs our cars and in emergencies, can run our generators and keep our refrigerators and other electrical systems running – at least for a a short period of…
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