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Caruba: Obama Is Becoming Public Enemy Number One

New Jersey –-( America has arrived at a point at which it has never been in its 226 years of existence since the Constitution became effective in 1788. It has a President for whom that Constitution is routinely ignored in…
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How To Make A Dakota Smokeless Fire Pit

Today we’ll be covering how to create a Dakota Smokeless Fire Pit. These smokeless fire pits are great for hiding your fire from enemies. They tend to keep a hotter fire, and a great at being virtually smoke free. This…
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CERT Training For Preppers

By A prepper is someone who wants to function at a high level in an emergency situation. If a prepper is fortunate enough to already be a trained professional (police, fire, medical, etc.), that is a great skill set…
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Simple Winter Car Survival Kit

By P. Henry Most of you who follow the news have by now heard of the plight of so many people in Atlanta that were stranded in their cars, forced to sleep in the floors of local stores and a…
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